OER im Blick – Eindrücke von der Auftaktkonferenz 2024

Am 15. und 16. Mai 2024 luden das BMBF und der DLR zur Auftaktkonferenz „OER im Blick“ nach Frankfurt / Main ein. Mit dieser Veranstaltung sollten die Aktivitäten zur Umsetzung der OER-Strategie beleuchtet und mit der Community diskutiert werden. Die Community Mit der ersten Fördermaßnahme im Rahmen der OER-Strategie setzte das BMBF auf den Auf- …

On the role of openness in education

It’s an hour for me to be one of first authors of the brand new journal Open Praxis with the paper „On the role of openness in education“ that I have written together with my colleague Sandra Peters (University of Technology Sydney). It covers much of her PHD work on the historical research in education. …

A bigger picture on MOOCs

I was pointed to the above info graphic and asked for a brief review, so I am happy to share my thoughts. It starts with a well-known transformation in higher ed, the rise of the (tuition) costs worldwide, but in particular in the U.S. This initial position is then boiled down to mere economical factors …

Inspirations from Cambridge 2012 #cam12

  This global conference took place during last week in the beautiful city of Cambridge. The venue was not so historic as it may be anticipated but it was a nice place to gather and chat with many people on the latest developments of OER. Just outside the building was the famous Mathematical Bridge. The …

The challenge to implement OER in institutional contexts #change11

Rory McGreal asks in this week’s MOOC #change11 if his description represents an accurate view of a typical situation in a Higher Education environment. I would like to share my perception of the circumstances at a large distance teaching university in Germany. I have recently encountered the following situation. I wanted to take a week …