Forschung 2.0?!

In der aktuellen Ausgabe der Wochenzeitung ZEIT ist ein kurzer Artikel zum Thema Forschung im Zeitalter von Web 2.0. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde ich gebeten, eine Stellungnahme zur Plattform „iversity“ zu geben. Nach Aufrufen der Seite kommt man angesichts der üppigen Sponsoren und Unterstützer in Form von ProfessorInnen ins Staunen. Genaueres Hinschauen offenbart jedoch einen …

The challenge to implement OER in institutional contexts #change11

Rory McGreal asks in this week’s MOOC #change11 if his description represents an accurate view of a typical situation in a Higher Education environment. I would like to share my perception of the circumstances at a large distance teaching university in Germany. I have recently encountered the following situation. I wanted to take a week …

An open didactic triangle #change11

What I most like about David Wiley’s ambitions to promote openness in education is his great talent to bring arguments to the bottom line. In presentation like this, he clearly points out the role of openness in education. Despite other implicit meanings of that, David Wiley goes on to postulate that openness is the only …

Struggle to progress

Taking part in two Open Online Courses (MOOC #change11 and P2PU) demands a lot of attention and effort. Sometimes it may feel like you have to carry a big backpack or rucksack as we in Germany call it. Does anybody feel the same?? I have to come up with a learning plan and I have …