Mein Kopf gehört mir! …aber ich will bestimmen, was mit meinen Gedanken passiert

Durch den aktuellen Aufschwung der Piraten Partei bekommt auch das Thema Urheberrecht starke mediale Aufmerksamkeit. Im Handelsblatt gibt es beispielsweise die Kampagne „Mein Kopf gehört mir“, zu der sich bereits viele Künstler bekannt haben (siehe hier). Nun macht Spiegel Online unter Verweis auf diesen Blog darauf aufmerksam, dass sich auch Manager, die ja mit dem …

Bildung and media ecology

During the last two days I have been participating at the conference  “Educational Media Ecologies: International Perspectives” held at the University of Paderborn. It was a small (approximately 30 people) group which aimed at interesting discussions. For me the notion of ecology and its relations to media were rather new. So I have learned a …

Who owns online learning? #change11

This provocative question has been posted by Tony Bates based on the recent announcement that MIT will develop a new open learning platform. It is called Open Learning Enterprise and aimed at “ interactive, pedagogically effective online learning“. It seems that MIT can further capitalize on their investments in Open Education as they have just …

Report from the OER-HE Project: Issues on team-based development

Last autumn I have finalised the work package in the EU-funded project „Innovative OER in European Higher Education“ (OER HE). As promised in an earlier post, I am happy to share the following report with you and I am looking forward to any comments. Report OER and Team-based development

Holiday Habits #change11

We are approaching Christmas, only two more days and as we all are still participating in the MOOC #change11 I would like to take the opportunity to do a little research on cultural differences concerning Holiday habits. As you can see we have already fully decorated our Christmas tree to enjoy the illumination in dark …