Struggle to progress

Taking part in two Open Online Courses (MOOC #change11 and P2PU) demands a lot of attention and effort. Sometimes it may feel like you have to carry a big backpack or rucksack as we in Germany call it. Does anybody feel the same?? I have to come up with a learning plan and I have …

SCORE Fellowship Workshop

I have been attending another (here is the other one) inspiring SCORE Workshop with presentations from some of the recent Fellows reporting on their projects. Then, we were engaged in a group work setting to discuss four major issues of OER: 1) Discovery: Is it ture that there is a wealth of good quality OER …

Survey on Use of OER

As part of my research fellowship at the OLNet I am investigating how people make use of OER and how that is affecting their learning process. I have set up a little survey for this with 16 questions. So it will not take much of your time. The survey is open for everyone interested in …

Digitial Scholar and self-regulated learning #change11

This week’s topic in the MOOC #change11 is about the digital scholar, a concept thoroughly researched by one of my colleagues in the OlNet team, Martin Weller. He just published a book with the same title which can be accessed here. I found the parallels between Open Education and the music or newspaper industry interesting …

Cooperation and Collaboration with OER #Change11

The recently raised question concerning cooperation and collaboration in settings of change such as the MOOC #change11 is surely an important issue. Here is an interesting blog post with a related discussion. I have been involved in a large EU project where we attempt to build a model for team-based development in Higher Education to …