Cooperation and Collaboration with OER #Change11

The recently raised question concerning cooperation and collaboration in settings of change such as the MOOC #change11 is surely an important issue. Here is an interesting blog post with a related discussion.
I have been involved in a large EU project where we attempt to build a model for team-based development in Higher Education to promote use and resuse of OER. We have analysed different forms of groups and networks, including more loosely structured forms such as the Humanities Network with its new international Course Exchange project. Their work mode can be perceived as somewhat of a connectivist approach, i.e. without clear goals or shared agreements of the partners that should cooperate. On the other side, we have investigated the Mediterranean Network of Universities which is based on clearly defined structure. They have a predefined mission and based on that an agenda of their activities.
Now when it comes to the assessment of the efficiency of these two approaches, we discovered that the more rigid approach seem to be more conducive for the utilization of innovations such as the adoption of OER in current learning and teaching practices. The rather open approach on complementary course production was seen as to be too unstructured to take full advantage of the potentials of OER.
I will provide the full report of this project as soon as it is finalised.
Meanwhile, I am adding the slides from a recent presentation at the EDULEARN Conference in Barcelona with some of our findings.

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  1. I will be very interested in the report of your project. I have just finished my first Mooc (Epcop). It was clearly structured around the Gilly Salmon 5 stage model and, as a learner, I really engaged with it.
    Most people embark on a course because they want to learn something. However, I think that this course is being run as an experiment in connectivism by the facilitators. Hopefully, a lot of people won’t be put off OER by this experience.

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